
Our History Since 2003

Total Since 2003
Families Fed:  422,151
People Fed:  1,135,237
Children Fed:  312,111
Senior Adults Fed:  184,295
Weight Given:  9,441,971
Professions of Faith:  19,343

2024 Statistics
Families Fed:  11,100
People Fed:  32,429
Children Fed:  8,986
Senior Adults Fed:  6,897
Weight Given:  225,419 lbs.
Professions of Faith:  504

Expanding the vision...

Although we only service North Georgia, our vision is to see There's Hope for the Hungry trucks across the Southeast and eventually the nation.  Our vision is to share the Gospel with as many people as possible and provide boxes of groceries with all those in need.  This calling does not end with North Georgia....